Tuesday, August 5, 2014


So we have a move date now.  We will be moving to Maryland on the 13th this month!  We are both excited to finally start this part of our life.  All of our stuff is still packed from when we left Utah so we don't have to do much packing.  It has been a bit of a drag living out of one suitcase though so I'm excited to open all the boxes up when we get there to remember what we still have.

As of right now, I have my job here that is transferring me over so I will have a job when we get there.  It's only part time but a job is a job, right?  Jeff is also looking to transfer as well but we haven't heard much about that yet.  I also might be working as a part time baker at a grocery store if I get a call for an interview.

In the meantime, we are setting up a garage sale for my parents this weekend to help de-clutter a bit.  I haven't been too much help with this since my energy isn't quite back yet.  But I'll be the one stationed there doing the selling and bargaining (which I'm not very good at).

But we are just relaxing before the storm as I'm sure both of us will have to work a couple jobs to start out with.  At the moment, I'm watching our cats chase a fly around the room.  Mew eventually caught it and Charlie then ate it.  I guess we won't have to worry too much about a bug problem since these boys got it down.  Not sure how they handle mice though.  I'm hoping to not find out.

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