Friday, November 6, 2015


Wow I thought I was way more up to date than I am.  So Jeff and I are now house owners.  That's right, we own a house.  Scary right?  I feel so grown up especially with a baby on the way.  And let me tell you how grateful I am for my family, my husband, sister, and mother-in-law in particular.  Jeff was such a trooper because I literally couldn't do anything.  He cleaned a bunch and worked so hard to get everything ready.  My sister and mother-in-law were nice enough to come over and clean the upper part of the house for me (and it really needed it).  Most everything is put away and set up.  Jeff still has lots of projects he is itching to get at now to get the house ready for the baby and just make it more livable.

I'm still in bed most of the day.  I try and get up and do some cooking every once in a while just to keep me from going insane.  I'm at 30 weeks though and boy am I feeling it.  I have a feeling she is going to be a big baby cause I already feel like she ran out of room in there.  We got a crib and have that all set up and we also have a car seat and stroller.  Most of the big things.  Jeff is getting really excited.  It still hasn't sunk in yet that I'm going to be a mom.  I don't feel grown up enough.  But I am ready for it to be over and get up and move around again.  That will be a relief.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pregnancy Update

There as been a lot going on these last couple weeks. First off, if all goes according to plan, we will move into our house next week! I'm beyond thrilled. I don't know how many people that like living out of a suitcase but I certainly don't. 

The thing that has been taking up most of our time and thoughts is the baby. Last Sunday I was feeling pretty crampy through the night before and most of the day after I woke up. We went to the hospital and I was admitted. They checked me out and found that I was dilated 1 cm. That freaked us out. I had Jeff give me a blessing and we asked our family to fast for us, which I am grateful for all the support. They put me on some medicine that was pretty awful, not gonna lie. It was to stop the cramping and help the baby's brain develop. I'm not saying they didn't help but it make me feel dreadful. They also gave me a couple shots of steroids to also help the baby's lungs develop a little faster. 

So I was in the hospital a total of three days being monitored and on medicine. I was told a number of things by a number of different specialists and doctors about what I should be doing once I left. They said different things when it came to bed rest. Some said I shouldn't get up hardly at all and some said it isn't necessary. If the baby is born now (24 weeks) there is a great chance for her to survive but there could be some damage done to the brain that could cause some mental illness. All the doctors did say that at 28 weeks the risks of that go way down and an even greater chance of survival. So to be on the safe side, I'm self imposing bed rest just to be on the safe side. They did want me to come in every week just to get checked up and see how things are going. That will happen probably for rest of the pregnancy. At least most of it. The doctors are confident that I will make it quite a bit farther since I've been quite stable for my situation. So fingers crossed. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Long Time No See

Man it has been a while. Jeff and I have been moving around a lot and we still aren't settled down. We are currently residing in his sister-in-law's place for now.

Now we both have decided that we can't go to Italy this year. We both think it is for the better especially with a new baby on the way. I don't want to have to get used to being a mom on top of getting used to another language, culture, and country. Jeff still applied for school to see if he is able to get in. It would make the process easier for next year when we try again. If he doesn't get in, we might start planning a serious plan B for backup. 

We are now looking for a house so we can have a place of our own. Boy is it taking a long time. I would like to get our things back soon but it won't be for another month at least. And I hope things will look up from there. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Getting Ready

Well it's crunch time now.  Jeff and I are getting ready to move back to Utah for the summer to spend time with out families before we head out to Italy.  We have been thinking about this for a while and feel that it is the right thing for us to do.  We only have a few more weeks left, which is sad because I have enjoyed living in the area but I think we will be back.  I am looking forward to what the next adventure is anyways.  Lots of possibilities.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Quick Trip

Jeff and I took a quick but long trip up to Michigan this past weekend. My little brother graduated from college and we paid him a surprise visit. It was quick in the fact that we drove Friday night, woke up 4-5 hours later to drive a couple hour to get to the ceremony, saw the ceremony and ate lunch afterwards, and then left right after. It was a long day because we spent over 20 hours in the car driving. But he was glad we came and I'm glad we went. He has come far and has a job lined up in a couple weeks. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hanging Out

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom this whole month and Jeff and I took the time to go down to D.C. around the monuments to take a look at them.  Boy was it PACKED!  So many people everywhere.  They are in other areas outside of D.C. but there they had the most in one area.  We also took a look around the different monuments since I haven't seen some of them and it's been a while.

Aside from that, nothing has really been too exciting on our end.  I have doing lots of baking (turnovers, bread, pie, and muffins) mainly so Jeff can take something quick on the way to work.  Also, I am no longer on the medicine that makes me sick so it's been an easier week or so.  The "no carb rule" is still lingering a little so I haven't been able to divulge on all the good treats yet, which is probably a good thing.  Now that the undesired pounds are off, I need to make sure they stay that was so it's some exercise for me!  As for Jeff, he has been working hard at work and he is also getting his application towards completion.  All he has to do is finish translating them and then send it off and wait for an answer.  I am starting to see this as a reality since it is a lot closer than when we first discussed this back in September.  I am excited! 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Jeff

Jeff turned 29! Last of his twenties. We didn't really do anything. I made some Italian dishes (I hope they were authentic) and to gear up for Jeff applying to school in Italy. I made arancini and some gnocchi. I also made his favorite dessert, Triple Berry Pie as a substitute for cake. A very carb filled day. Nothing too special. But happy birthday to my amazing husband.