Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Family Activity

So we discovered something that we enjoy doing together. Making things from scratch without really any recipe. So tonight we wanted to try to make salsa. We got a recipe from my mother in law to get a base of what should really go in it. Then just threw things in the pot and went from there. Jeff was more knowledgeable on the ingredients than I was but it didn't turn out too bad. When I think of salsa, I don't think of this stuff but it's a start.  We have a lot now so it'll have to do but I still had fun.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Oh boy

Man it has been a long couple weeks since we have been back from Michigan. At least for me. Well I started a new job and a lot of my energy went into training and learning the menu. Long hours at work with double shifts and tests. And since I work at a restaurant, Valentine's Day is pretty much a server's worst nightmare so I didn't get home till about 1 am last night. A nice 13 hour shift. But Jeff got me some flowers and they bloomed by the time I got home. We went out Thursday night instead since I had to work. Nothing too romantic but it was a nice. 
Happy Valentine's Day