Sunday, August 24, 2014

ALS Challenge

Is it just me, or is anyone else pretty tired of the ice bucket challenge?  It's great that we are raising awareness and all, but how many of these people that are dumping water on their heads actually donating?  I dunno but to me the challenge shouldn't be to withstand cold water that would probably be put to better use.  If you think about it, if everyone of these people doing the ice bucket challenge donates just a dollar, I think that would help research and stepping closer to a cure than just telling people about it.  I mean, I've seen at least 50 people on my facebook page taking the challenge so just with the people I'm connected with, that would be 50 smackaroos right there and out of the thousands of people doing it, I think it would make quite a difference.  I would like to think that some of them donated as well.

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