Tuesday, November 25, 2014

On top of Everything

My computer is nearing the end of its life.  It freezes on me sometimes where the mouse and keyboard doesn't work.  If you kinda put pressure on it on the back, in the right spot, it MIGHT unfreeze on you but then if you look at it wrong it nothing can bring it back.  But touching it the right way doesn't even work anymore.  I had to buy it a external keyboard and mouse.  So sensitive.

Well Jeff quit his night job.  He has been absolutely exhausted at nights and we don't get to really spend time together cause after we eat when we both get home, he starts dozing as we play cards.  I think the deciding factor was that he fell asleep during a movie.  Yeah I know right?!  That is pretty much the highest punishable crime in their family.  And not just any movie, Lord of the Rings.  His all time favorite movies.  I think that was the moment when he knew that he was stretching his limits.  But his day job gave him a raise so it makes it easier.

Last week, my tooth started hurting pretty badly.  So bad that it has given me a headache for like 5 days now.  I went to the dentist this morning and they took a x-ray.  Large black nothing where bone should be and the problem is there is no sign of it on the surface.  He gave me antibiotics cause he thinks it's an infection and he wants to call other people to see if I need to go to a specialist.  Happy holidays to me.  I need a root canal and the next available appointment isn't until the 23rd of December.  Pretty much a month away.  Joy.  My meds that I'm on now, isn't letting me eat carbs and load on the protein.  I noticed something this morning as I was getting ready to leave.  I think I have spent more time preping for the dentist than I ever have on a date.  I brush like no other, floss (which I'll admit, I never do) and I even used mouth wash.  I've spent more energy getting ready than I did for dates.  The dentist should feel flattered.

I had Jeff give me a blessing with our home teacher.  He basically said that these antibiotics are gonna help not only my toothache, but also clear out the rest of my body of whatever has been there the past year.  There were a lot of things I learned this past year to where I'm at the point now where I'm fine with it.  No it isn't ideal and it kinda sucks but it is what it is and I know it'll pass.  I've been looking on the bright side of things and I've seen myself get stronger and healthier (thanks to all the cookies, pasta, and cakes I can't eat with the meds).  I know in my heart that I am being prepared for something and for some reason, I have more patience now than ever.  I am grateful to Jeff for being a worthy priesthood holder who is able to help heal and comfort me on a moments notice.  I'm grateful to my dad for being so knowledgeable and a help to me.  I'm grateful to my Heavenly Father for not abandoning me.

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