Monday, October 13, 2014


It's that time of year!  I love the fall.  Everything from the crisp weather to the changing leaves.  But the best part.... food!  I broke out my family cookbook and whipped up some wassail. For those that don't know what wassail is, it's basically a warm cider with cinnamon, oj, and some lemon and other things.  My mom would make a large (at least 2 gallon) pot of this around this time and winter and there is nothing better!  Perfect time to make it too because Jeff happened to get a cold.  It seems to have helped his cough and throat.  Whenever I get sick Jeff does too but he makes my illness seem like nothing cause I'll end up with the flu with a fever and aches while he will get it and be like "eh just a cold".  But he is doing fine.  Working hard and pushing through it.

Oh and Karen if you are reading this, we made the sweet pork recipe you sent us.  It was yummy and Jeff said I lived up to your standards which was the highest honor for me.  With the leftovers we are gonna make burritos and freeze them (you know how much Jeff loves his frozen burritos).  Thanks again for the recipe!


  1. I love this weather that comes in the fall. That drink sounds quite wonderful.
